Over the weekend we had my parents over for dinner. I love having grandparents who live so close and get to be such a large part of my children’s lives. They are always so supportive and fun to be with. Sunday night we all made homemade pizzas together and enjoyed creating our own pizza concoctions. I will be posting about the AMAZING Thai pizza that we came up with tomorrow–you will love it! The great thing about this pizza crust is it is not filled with empty carbs. My Dad has diabetes, so in order for him to have pizza it needed to be made with whole grains. I used wheat flour, rye flour and even some oat flour. You can use whatever combination of whole grain flour you would like. The result was awesome and super crispy and tender!
After the pizza mess was cleaned up, we broke out into a riotously hilarious two hour long arm wrestle and leg wrestling match. We had such a great time laughing and being together. It brought back memories as a kid when my sisters and I would have arm wrestling competitions and I would always win (I guess that’s what you do when you don’t have any brothers?). My sisters always said I was ‘freakishly strong’. I was so bummed when my 15 year old daughter almost beat me. I think some more pushups are in order so I can make sure and always beat my kiddos! All in all, it was a great night and one of those you go to bed at night feeling grateful for God’s blessings He has given you. Good food, good family and a roof over our heads. Can you really ask for anything more? 🙂 Hope you love this healthy, pizza crust recipe and enjoy a fun night with your family too!
[buymeapie-recipe id=’162′]