(We even died the alfredo sauce green for our white sauce pizzas-yum!)
I know, St. Patricks Day is over, and I am a SLOW blogger! However, I wanted to share our fun idea this year that we did. Last year I made green mashed potatoes, rolls, etc., but this year we wanted to have an even larger display of green food and thought we would make homemade pizzas with GREEN dough! It was a blast! We had our entire family over and a few friends and had a crazy, green pizza party! It was a lot of fun 🙂 (Funny enough, we made one batch of dough without the food coloring and that is the only one I took a picture of. Once the green pizza came out of the oven, we gobbled it up–oops!)
We also made green macaroons, green Pistachio Cake, mint chocolate chip ice cream, kiwi’s, asparagus, cucumbers, lettuce salad, green grapes, and green jell-o. What a silly, yet fun holiday 🙂 Good food always makes the holidays more fun, right??