It’s Christmas time and for us around here that means baking is in full swing. Whether it’s Homemade Cinnamon Swirl Bread, Peppermint Brownies, Orange Gingersnap Cookies or Homemade Rolls, we just can’t seem to stop baking. It doesn’t help too now that both of my daughters love to bake as much as I do. In fact, my daughter has a friend Caroline that we call the Cookie Monster. We love her! She comes to our house at least a couple times a week and she and my daughter insist on making batches of cookies. It seems to be their favorite past time. Although I love the cookies, it sure isn’t good for the waistline 😉
Well, the other day this cookie combo decided to make sugar cookies. However, amongst their music and talking about boys and school they somehow put the flour amount in the recipe as sugar. They came to me for help realizing that their cookie batter was not the ‘normal’ batter they were used to. Instead of throw the batter out like they wanted to, I did a little tweaking and we created our first Christmas cookie of the season. Oddly enough, the extra amount of sugar actually made these cookies extra chewy and soft. They were amazing!! We drizzled some white chocolate on top and some crushed candy canes. These cookies would be perfect for any Christmas party you have upcoming 😉 Happy Holidays!