I know my life is less than exciting when it is Memorial Day weekend and I am home blogging about food. Pathetic, isn’t it?? Well, as lame as that is, I just couldn’t go another minute without sharing this amazing recipe with you. There are many recipe variations out there in the world for a good strawberry shortcake. There are even great recipes for a berry cheesecake. BUT..have you ever had a dessert that combines a cheesecake, strawberry shortcake and a blueberry cobbler??
This recipe is one of the most bizarre recipes I have made in awhile. My cute neighbor brought me over a recipe that sounded, to be honest, quite strange. I decided to give it a try and change it up a bit and what you get is this MOST amazing dessert I have had in a long time! This dessert is so rich, moist, smooth, buttery & totally delectable. You will not want to make another boring strawberry shortcake again. This dessert is so fun because you will be eating it and you will think it is a totally divine piece of cake. And then, you will run into a bunch of fruit and think you are eating a cobbler. And then…you will reach a creamy spot of warm cream cheese and you will melt wondering what wonderful piece of goodness did you put in your mouth!?! From start to finish this dessert is a definite make again and one I will be serving all summer long (aren’t the colors to patriotic and pretty?). Love it, love it, love it!!!
[buymeapie-recipe id=’604′]
Three thumbs up from my kids! They couldn’t even wait for me to bring it back in to the house, they gobbled it up in seconds 😉 My son even said, “Mom, I think this is now my 2nd favorite dessert” That says a lot from him!
Here is what the cobbler looks like before you put it in the oven. You can see the melted butter on the bottom coming up around the sides and the cream cheese dollops on top of the berries. A little different method, but it gives amazing results 😉