One of the best ways to incorporate brown rice into your diet, especially if your family isn’t sure they like the texture of brown rice in meals, is to grind it into flour. If you have an electric wheat grinder it should be able to grind brown rice into a flour. Brown rice flour if bought at the grocery store is extremely expensive! Make your own at home for a fraction of the cost.
Brown rice flour can be added to nearly every recipe that wheat or white flour is called for. The only recipes that you can not use all brown rice flour in, is in yeast breads. There is no gluten in brown rice and so your bread will not be able to rise like normal wheat bread would. I like to add brown rice flour however to muffins, pancakes, and small portions of it to my yeast bread. I was playing around and wanted a cinnamon bread and came up with this recipe for Apple Cinnamon Bread that uses brown rice flour. I loved the texture, it was dense, hearty, sweet and was amazing with the Whipped Apple Butter that I came up with. This was the perfect treat for us this weekend! We didn’t have any bread left, but I think if we did it would have made fabulous french toast! Enjoy 🙂