Okay, I am a big, fat lier. I just posted this morning that I didn’t have any new, and fun, Valentines ideas for you. I decided I needed to do some grocery shopping since I came home to an empty fridge and found a few SUPER SIMPLE Valentines ideas for you.
Did it mean I didn’t shower today, exercise, or clean my house? Yeah, but it was worth it! The family thought these were so creative and delicious. I have to thank Pintrest for a couple of the ideas and some good ol’ fashion creativity for the others. I wanted to make some lighter and healthier snacks and treats and I was really pleased with the results. Hope you ‘love’ them 😉
Since this post is coming late, I wanted to make sure these ideas were things you could whip together with items you probably already have on hand. These would be darling too for a wedding shower, Mother’s Day or for a brunch with Grandma. No matter when you use these ideas, your kids will think you are the best mom on the planet! We had a night of ‘love’ for FHE tonight and it was fun to have a dinner revolving around the theme. Just as an fyi, if you need some cute videos to show on love, here’s a link for a few that we watched tonight. Have a Happy Valentines Day. I sure love each of you and want to thank you for always stopping by and showing ME love 😉
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