Thanks for joining me for our three Live videos this month. Learn the importance of storing fuel for three different situations during an emergency. Light, Cooking and Heat are the three areas of fuel and products you need to think about storing. Start by having at least ONE way you will cook, have light and stay warm during an emergency. From there, start adding a few more as budget and time allows. Remember to store extra fuel as needed for your products as well. Read our Ebook for details on how and what fuels are best to store. I hope you have found some encouragement to get better prepared and do a little each week/month to help your family get ready for whatever is to come. We talked a lot about storing water, food and fuel. If you have any questions, please reach out. I’d love to help anyway I can!
To help you with your efforts I have compiled all of our information into a
Download this file and keep in your records and share with your friends! I am happy to help share all of our information and videos to help anyone you know get better prepared. Good luck to you and check back again next month for more videos, recipes and food storage deals you don’t want to miss out on.
Remember, there are only a couple more days to stock up on September’s Thrive Life’s deals to add to your food storage!
Favorite Eprep Products I talked about in our latest video on storing fuel for an emergency.
Butane (or Propane) Stove with Case
Firestarter Squares-Burn for 6 hours
Crank Flashlight, Radio & Power Bank