Let’s quickly go through how I do my meal planning and grocery shopping so quickly. Here is how Deals to Meals works and what we did:

at Walmart):

Print your grocery list with all of the stores and deals you have chosen to buy. Sort the grocery list by store or by product type. Sorting by product type makes price matching a breeze!
Off to the grocery store! Shop at several grocery stores or price match ALL of the great deals at Walmart (this is what I do for one-stop FAST grocery shopping).
Parmesan Chicken with Noodles, Sauce & Green Salad (chicken, sour cream, milk, eggs, butter, spaghetti noodles, spaghetti sauce, cheese, green salad, and frozen vegetables)-enough for one meal
Garlic Lemon Herb Grilled Chicken with Mashed Potatoes (chicken, lemons, garlic, green salad & russet potatoes, sour cream, butter, milk)–enough for one meal