Rice pudding..I know, the thought is enough to make some people quiver with disgust. I don’t know what it is about this sweet treat that makes some people sick, and others (like me), in complete and utter heaven. I think I have come to realize if you grew up eating rice pudding you love it, and if you were not introduced to it until later in life (my husband), you have sworn it off as one of the least tempting desserts out there. Oh, what a sad fate. I would like to thank my Mother for introducing this dish to me when I was a little lady. I can’t count the number of times we had rice pudding for breakfast growing up. Nearly every time my mom made a meal with rice, she always doubled the amount of rice we needed so we could have the leftovers as rice pudding in the morning. (No wonder I do that!)
I hope I can change your mind with these two, equally delicious, rice pudding recipes. I seriously can’t get enough rice pudding. I love cinnamon. I love anything creamy. I love raisins (call me weird!), and I love breakfast food that tastes like dessert. You can eat it warm, or you can eat it cold. No matter how you slice it, this versatile dish is a scrumptious, smooth, and sweet treat your family is sure to love!
[buymeapie-recipe id=’857′] Growing up we always had the stove top version of rice pudding, but this baked version is just as delightful and is actually a little easier to make. It comes out tasting more like a custard than a thick pudding. It can also slice in pretty square pieces if you wanted to serve it as a dessert on a plate. Other than the hour and a half baking time, it comes together in just a minute or two and can be prepared the night before and baked in the morning. Super simple and it tastes fabulous (it’s late, I have run out of clever words to describe this dish…brain cramp–when in doubt, my word of the day is fabulous. hehe 😉 Enjoy! [buymeapie-recipe id=’858′]