How was your Christmas? I hope you had a wonderful day and were able to enjoy lots of great food and family. We had a great day and enjoyed staying at home and relaxing. I love seeing the kids play with their new toys and having fun being together. The house is a wreck but for some reason I love it. The New Year will bring new resolutions and projects, but for the moment I am enjoying having kids home and being able to spend time with them while they are out of school. It’s sad Christmas is over, but I am sure next year will come around before we know it.A Christmas ham is our traditional meal of choice the night of Christmas, what is yours? If you have extra ham in your fridge this cheesy, ham soup is awesome! My friend gave me this recipe and I laughed out loud when I read that it had Cheez Wiz. I have never purchased this before but was surprisingly pleased when this soup was extremely smooth and gives the soup the perfect cheesy texture. This soup will warm the heart and soul of anyone on a cold, wintery day. Enjoy 🙂