How was your Thanksgiving weekend? I hope you all had a wonderful week and you were able to spend time with family and friends. Isn’t this such a great time of year? The food, family, festivities, lights, traditions..it’s so great! Our Thanksgiving was a good one, minus a few mishaps and unfortunate events. Nothing major, just funny things that make you appreciate your health and days that go smoothly.
The weekend started with several of my kids getting an awful bout of the stomach flu. This lasted most of the Thanksgiving weekend and ended with my husband and I sick in bed for a complete day. It was strange to be at Thanksgiving dinner and look at an amazing display of pies, cheesecakes, pumpkin rolls, chocolate mousse and be grossed out. Not fun to be sick, but great on the diet! I think this was the first Thanksgiving I have lost a few pounds instead of gained several. So..other than being sick the back window and door to our Explorer fell off (who knew it was recalled several years ago!?!) and shattered all over the driveway. Thankfully no one was hurt, but that was an unexpected holiday surprise. I thought..no worries, I will save the money we will spend on the broken window on my black Friday shopping. Hah! How many of you tried shopping online Friday? Walmart was a joke! I didn’t get one item Friday I was hoping to get. Bummer.
Like I said, nothing major. The kicker though….I was the roll-woman this Thanksgiving and I made the ugliest, tasteless, flat rolls in the history of roll making! I had to make four cookie sheets worth of rolls and this is what they looked like (notice my sister’s rolls on the right…pretty, fluffy and beautiful!) I was the laughing stock of Thanksgiving (for some reason others have expectations for my cooking??) Anyway..this weekend I had to find something to do with 120 rolls that were barely touched. This bread pudding was the perfect answer to my roll dilemma! If you have leftover rolls that are getting a little dried out and your turkey is just about gone, turn those rolls into this amazing bread pudding. It is so pretty and festive and has a combination of sweet and sour that is spectacular!! I could seriously eat the entire pan of bread pudding. If you have never tried bread pudding, you have GOT to give it a try! It is smooth, sweet and the perfect texture. Even my husband, who for 13 years has been skeptical of bread pudding, gave this a try and couldn’t stop until his bowl was licked clean. Hope you enjoy it! Happy holiday baking 🙂