It’s no shock that prices are going up on EVERYTHING these days. My grocery budget, gas budget, travel budget, etc. have all had to increase. Unfortunately this also means that preparedness products and food storage are also getting more expensive, right at the same time that people are more and more concerned about supply chains, pandemics, civil unrest around the world, etc.
As most of you know, I buy most of my freeze-dried food storage from Thrive Life and they have done a pretty good job at avoiding price increases throughout the covid crisis, but the company has finally had to adjust prices on a few things due to their raw goods prices increasing so much. There is some good news though! Thrive has recently made some business acquisitions that has increased their buying power and reduced costs on some items, so we actually get a price DECREASE on some things too. In fact, when adding up the total changes it is actually an overall decrease of 2% which is amazing in this current economic climate. It’s just unfortunate if you love the items that are increasing.
I have scoured the price lists and compared all the changes so that you don’t have to. If you want to stock up on the things that are going UP, make sure to get your order in before end of the day on February 28th. But hold off on items that are on the list of prices that are reducing.
Items with the largest price INCREASES coming March 1st
- Diced Beef (although it will be on special in March)
- Seasoned Chicken Slices
- Scrambled Egg Mix
- Blackberries
- Instant Milk (sale ends TODAY so order SOON!)
- Gluten-Free Flour
- Garlic
- Blueberry Oatmeal (express meal)
All other products will have minor price increases so it would be a good time to stock up on them UNLESS they are on the list below.