Do words like maltodextrin, guanylate, inosinate, monosodium glutamate, scare you?
I am far from the healthiest person in the world, but I have to admit ingredients like these even scare me! Tonight I went to make one of my favorite throw-together meals (the bambino is only 4 weeks old, my family should be happy there was a warm meal on the table, right?) and I happened to look at the back of a can of cream of chicken soup (a scary thing to do!). The ingredients proved to be just as scary as people claim they are, so I decided to try and be domestic (and healthy) and see if I could find a recipe for homemade cream of chicken soup.
With a little research I found these SUPER DUPER EASY recipes for cream of chicken and mushroom soups. Now I say super duper easy, because if I could whip them together with a new baby, a crying 3 year old, and 6 neighbor kids running in and out of the house, it must have not been too tough. I was really surprised how easy it was to make my own cream soup. It was also great that all of the ingredients could be found in my food storage/freezer. This soup really didn’t take more than 2 minutes (if that!), but if you want to be super prepared, make up a bunch of this soup and put in freezer bags or tupperwares for later meals. It would freeze and reheat perfectly for those quick and easy ‘throw together’ meals we love so much!
[buymeapie-recipe id=’755′] [buymeapie-recipe id=’756′]