Like I mentioned earlier this week, I am all about easy and fast meals lately. What is quicker than quesadillas? This is not your normal quesadilla though. These are taken to a whole new level. Great news though, although these quesadillas are simple, they aren’t lacking flavor. They are creamy, cheesy, spicy, full of tender chicken and pickled jalapeños. If you’re looking for a simple meal, you’re going to LOVE these!
And of course, all of the ingredients are on sale again this week: shredded cheese, tortillas, chicken, jarred jalapeños and sour cream. Login to Deals to Meals to get all of the grocery deals to make this meal for well under $10. Enjoy friends!
Let the adventure begin! We closed on our land this week and now have the super fun job of getting four tons (literally) of wood concrete forms that were left on our lot. Lucky us! If any of you have some fun, DIY project that could use these wood forms, you are welcome to them!! Email me at shandra@dealstomeals.com and I’ll let you know where you can pick these up for a really, really low price of NOTHING! 🙂