This post is a little late in coming, now that peach season is over, I just wanted to encourage anyone that has room in their yard, to grow a peach tree. We planted two peach trees three years ago and this year we were able to enjoy the ‘fruits’ of our labor. We had peaches coming out our ears! We made peach cobbler, peach pie, peach cheesecake, peach jell-o, peach jam, gave peaches away to neighbors, bottled peaches, froze peaches, and ate them nearly every morning for breakfast…and we still have some left! Isn’t that cool that you can produce your own food in your own yard? I love it!! So..this is just an encouragement for anyone out there that would like to plant fruit trees. We bought our tree at the end of the season at IFA for around $25, check your local stores and see if they still have them and if they would still be okay to plant. You may have to be patient for a few years, but then you will get your reward. Our pear tree and apple tree also produced well this year. I guess three years is the lucky number. Give it a try 😉
Here is my Grandma Lucy’s Peach Jam Recipe that I love. It is lower in sugar, so a little better for you:
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