My sister and her husband are in Disneyland this week so we have had a fun time with a few extra kiddos around our house. My nephews are adorable and always so fun to cook for. They love food, and it’s fun to cook for them because they’ll eat anything I make. Today for breakfast I wanted to make something special, and they requested my pumpkin pancakes. I looked in the fridge and realized I had some Pumpkin Eggnog I had bought that was on sale. Lightbulb moment…why not use eggnog in the place of buttermilk in my recipe? Well, let me just tell you. The result was dreamy! These pancakes are so moist, so soft, and so fluffy (seriously, they were about one inch thick), I think eggnog has a little magic to it, to make these pancakes so beautiful! I made a version of our butter syrup but used more of the pumpkin eggnog instead of the evaporated milk and the result was a creamy, sweet, spiced syrup that paired perfectly with these pancakes. My little nephew said, “Aunt Shannie, your syrup is way nummier than my Mom’s syrup!” That made it all worth it 😉 Hope you love these like we did!
TIP: double the batch and freeze the cooked pancakes for breakfasts later during the holiday season when life is crazy. These freezer awesome if you put pieces of parchmant paper in between them. Also, want more fall recipes? Make sure and download our Fall Ebook for tried-and-true recipes your family will love this time of year!