I can’t believe Christmas has come and gone already and we are upcoming on another New Year. I appreciate this time of year to re-think through areas of my life and self, that I am anxious to work on and to improve on this next year. I am not great at goal making and sticking to a regimented schedule of any kind but I always like to work on one or two areas of my life each year and really focus on making them better. There is always the proverbial lose weight goal, but this year I am really going to try and focus more on my family. Spending those quiet, special moments with my children, having more heart felt one-on-one conversations with my children, ‘dating’ my husband more, turning off my computer (work) earlier each night to spend time with my cute hubby, and doing those daily things with my children (prayer, scripture reading, etc.) that will help our family be stronger. I think the Connecticut shooting earlier this month has made me stop and think how grateful I am for each and every day I have with my family. We never know how long we have with each other and I am going to really try this upcoming year to focus on building our relationships and making our home a place my children want to be (not always an easy task when Mom is grumpy, tired and stressed so often :). Wish me luck!
What are your New Year’s resolutions? I think sometimes if I write them down (or type them on a public blog 🙂 I feel more accountable and take these goals more seriously, so thanks for listening. I wish each of you a wonderful, safe and happy 2013 and I am excited to continue this blogging journey with each of you. Thank you for making this another successful year for Deals to Meals & for spending time reading and sharing on our blog. We sure appreciate each of you!!
Now..on to a new favorite appetizer recipe that is cheesy, a little spicy, creamy and plain yummy on anything from chips to bread. It makes for the perfect dip you can throw together a head of time, warm up in the oven right before serving, and serve to your family friends at your New Year’s parties this weekend. Enjoy 😉