I just can not believe it’s spring again already. I looked out my back window a couple days ago and was shocked to see blossoms on my peach and pear trees. How fun is that?! I guess we need to start eating up all of our bottled peaches for another great peach harvest. I love this time of year. I love being able to go on walks, have the kids ride bikes and get dirty in the garden. Although the garden is a lot of work, I love the pay off in the late summer with lots of fresh produce. I did however, make a HUGE-GINORMOUS mistake that I hope to spare all of you from. Last year I planted a small, harmless, innocent little fresh mint plant in the corner of one of my garden boxes. Well, after just a couple months, this small plant took over an entire 8×8 garden bed, is growing into the neighboring garden bed and growing down into our rock wall. What in the world?!? No one told me that mint grows like a weed. After hours, and hours, and hours of pulling and tugging at the mint roots I think we might have a handle on this awful, evil plant. The whole time I was teaching my kids the ‘allegory of the mint’. I likened this mint plant to sin. Sometimes you think a small, harmless action isn’t a big deal. Well…if kept unchecked, a small mistake can turn into a large nightmare that takes days (or years) to recover from. That’s one of the things I love about gardening. Lots of great lessons can be learned from playing in the dirt 😉
Well, in honor of the lettuce I planted, I have a new salad dressing recipe that is awesome! I love red onions and so the other day I created a Creamy, Sweet Red Onion Dressing that was fabulous on all of my favorite salad ingredients–spinach, lettuce, red bell peppers, gorgonzola, berries, red onion, candied nuts, apples, craisins, etc. You know, all of the yummy chick-salads we all love 😉 Hope you enjoy this new, fresh, spring-time salad dressing.
[buymeapie-recipe id=’206′]