Hi friends! I hope you had the most amazing Thanksgiving of all time. We had a wonderful time with both my family and my husband’s family. We ate WAY too much and loved spending time with eachother and talking about all of the blessings we are thankful for. It’s been an interesting year with several trials for our family, but through it all, I am so grateful for my beautiful family and my loving Heavenly Father who has helped us through all that we’ve been through. We feel so grateful to have this company Deals to Meals and the chance to help so many of you. Everyday I wake up to do my job I am so thankful I get to be home with my kids and be their mother. It is also such a blessing to work everyday with my best friend and hubby. We have worked together every day for over 5 1/2 years and we have loved every minute of it! He does all of our laundry, helps me with the kids and allows me to put several hours a day into this blog and our website. It took a while to figure out our different rolls in our marriage and with our company, but I am thankful things run smoothly and we get to be together.
So much to be thankful for, isn’t there? I love this time of year! Do you have lots of leftovers from Thanksgiving? I am excited to share some of my favorite leftovers with you. We also have a new Meal Planner uploaded on our website with some of our other favorite Thanksgiving leftover recipes. Whether you have mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, turkey or ham leftovers, we have the recipes for you! Hope you enjoy and have a wonderful weekend.