Bean bonanza continues. There is only one more official week of winter, so I wanted to share with you one more of my favorite soup recipes. Of course, this one…
Last night we were craving something green, and something sweet. To celebrate St. Patrick's Day we decided to make cupcakes and let the kids frost them with green frosting and…
Chocolate Chip Cookies (with white beans)--We used our recipe for the Perfect Chocolate Chip cookie and just substituted 1/2 of the butter with bean puree. I also added one…
It is now March and another month has come and gone in our preparedness efforts. Does everyone have their salt and spices supply? If so, I would LOVE to hear…
Bean month continues! Looking over my blog the past week you would think that I have not tried any bean recipes worth sharing. How untrue that is! My kitchen has…
Bar none, one of the highlights of being at good ol' Disneyland a week ago was the Chicken & Shrimp Gumbo from The Blue Bayou restaurant. As soon as we…
Last night I was craving one of my favorite salads--Sticky Wingers Chicken Salad. I usually grill the chicken for this salad out of sheer laziness, but last night decided I…
I have to apologize for the lack of blogging lately. My family and I have been hiding from the Utah snow in sunny California. We did nothing but sit by…
I feel honored today to be the spotlight on one of my favorite food blogs, Taste & Tell. I had a great time answering questions and getting to share my…
Aloha! I have been dying to share this delicious new breakfast recipe with you along with one of our new favorite traditions! My sister Diana heard of a really fun…
A few weekends ago my husband made breakfast for my kids. My children have a love for "Hot Cereal" as they call it. We recently used our last of Cream…
There are many oils that you can store in your food storage, but my favorites would have to be butter and olive oil. Life is just plain better with butter…
It is a new month and a new year and the perfect time to set those new year's resolutions to become better prepared and to get your food storage! Becoming…